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Being the largest porn tube on the net, we offer new sex movies available by the touch of your phone. The site is strongly oriented towards users producing continuous videos and includes revenue sharing to help independent producers make money—50% of the ad revenue from your content is shared with you. No doubt, YouTube is 1 video sharing site on the Web, even.

Free Amateur Porn Archive & Community - One advantage of Metacafe is that it pays people for posting videos. Whenever you're surfing trough the site or just watching videos these will appear.

No doubt, YouTube is 1 video sharing site on the Web, even. When people need to share a video, this is the first site coming to their mind. Although, YouTube policy is very strict, especially copyright issues. Alternatively, you can address other video sharing sites to publish your videos. SEE ALSO: SEE ALSO: 1. Unlike YouTube, Vimeo mostly holds prof-looking videos and has three options for its users: a basic account with limitations and two paid ones with advanced options and bigger space. Here are the principle differences between free and paid accounts. As you see, accounts suit you perfectly if you are professionally involved into or need to sell your videos. The only thing that you may not like about Vimeo is a lower number of views compared to YouTube. Dailymotion Monthly audience: 100,000,000 visitors Account type: free is a French video-sharing website that allows users to view, upload, browse videos by searching tags, categories, channels, or user-created groups. Dailymotion offers a wide range of random video content: from to serious political reportages. If you want to upload your video to Dailymotion, you should remember that length of the video files is limited to 2 GB and 60 minutes. Here people broadcast themselves playing or talking about games while others watch them either live or via archived footage. You can also broadcast or archive your gameplay, chat with other gamers and join various gaming communities. The free account comes with advertising on videos. If you want to remove it, consider going Turbo. Here are more options open to Turbo subscribers: Unlike Turbo users, free ones can store their live videos on Twitch for 14 days only. Please note that Twitch supports recording in MP4 format. If your files come in another extension, check to change them to MP4. LiveLeak Monthly audience: 45,000,000 visitors Account type: free is a UK-based video sharing website that lets users publish videos. The ideal for LiveLeak video should contain sufficient factual background information or news value. Veoh Monthly audience: 15,000,000 visitors Account type: free is an Internet television service that hosts studio content, independent productions and user-generated material. Once signed in to Veoh, you can upload videos of any length and. Veoh accepts hundreds of different formats and has an extensive community for you to participate in. You may get in touch with other people, rate your favorite videos, leave comments and discuss the videos in channels and forums. Break Monthly audience: 14,000,000 visitors Account type: free is a highly popular website mainly known for funny videos, clips, and. Break accepts major video formats, such as AVI, WMV, MPG and MOV. All videos must be no bigger than 60MB. Break provides its users with three ways to upload videos: right from the site page, from your cellphone or you may send a video to Break via email. Metacafe Monthly audience: 12,500,000 visitors Account type: free is a video-sharing website with millions of short videos. The categories are quite different: video games, sports, music, movies, and TV. The website features a special ranking algorithm that ensures that the uploaded videos are of high quality. Each video can be uploaded only once. One advantage of Metacafe is that it pays people for posting videos. Feel free to share your all-time favorites in the comments below.

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